Editor's Speech

Welcome on my blog!

I want to share with you some personal perspective on what I do on this blog.

I present here and I’m still gonna continue revealing more and more materials about the hidden history of our Planet and Mankind. Some of you may find these materials highly conspiratorial and unbelievable. I don’t ask you to believe! I ask you to be skeptic and verify the data through your independent thinking and comparative analysis. Don’t let others control your process of thinking. Be independent!

So many negative things are happening out there and we are not aware of most of them.

Revelation of new information and increase of consciousness is needed but it is not enough. Yes WE ARE THE PEOPLE and united we can accomplish much. However you need to know that we also need to have enough tools to oppose the so called Elite or Hidden Government.

We live in times when we need to protect ourselves and our families to a higher degree than 300 years ago. Yes, there were wars and deadly diseases but you knew of most of them, they were self-evident. Now so many dangers are undetectable, happening on the microscopic level. There are groups of interests that do their job in white gloves, no one can identify them as the source.

So you need to raise your awareness about  the world around BUT in order to shield yourself you need to have access to healthy, uncontaminated food, natural spring water, electromagnetic devices that will be able to generate the proper frequencies around yourself and in your body… and many similar solutions. To have access to all of this stuff you need MONEY. Governments don’t care about poor people: let them die in their misery, let them give their life for the imaginary country in our wars, let them frustrate themselves day after day… it will be easier to manipulate them and take over their natural, inborn resources and assets. It is true and will be always true: if you have money others count with you more, you may escape the sudden death easier than if you are broke. With money you can also achieve more in spreading the word of truth.

I know we have many idealists in this room, but blind idealism causes only suffering of disappointment. Idealism understood as a faith in other people and humankind combined with a practical approach can make miracles!

We need actions, not only words or desires…

Another thing… Remember all the time that I am not sharing any of these materials to spread the fright, psychological terror overcoming our ability to think rationally. However, it may happen for you to realize that you start to succumb to the feelings of frustration and worry about the future. Don’t let them crush you! Don’t let yourself crush yourself! You have the ability to control your mind, your feelings and the ways you react. You need to raise your level of belief day after day, minute after minute. I’m aware that the same important as spreading the word about the true history of the mankind is empowering people, helping them realize that they are in charge of changing the world, privately and in public space. The best way to predict the future is to create it!

Not very long time ago I joined a movement which is changing lives of so many of us. It helps to keep the high vibrations, to bring out of people what is the best in humans: creativity, empathy, compassion, intellectual genius. Not only we support each other and inspire day after day but also we create money – it is also a money making opportunity. Yeah, I know what you may think… I know that approach which is so common in so called conspiracy or new age environments. Many people think that money is something what belongs to ancient history, it is out of date. Or that if somebody is encouraging someone to join some business opportunity (s)he does it only for the sake of exploiting him/her. No! Money are as much important as the knowledge.

And here in Empower Network (this is the name of the movement) you can combine both blogging (sharing the knowledge through written, audio of video materials) in an extremely creative, individual way with making huge money and becoming independent. You will be able to buy the food you want. You will be able to move to places where it is safer than in the area you live. You will be able to send your children to school you choose (or maybe educate them at home). You will have time for sharing your knowledge and reflections. You will have time to do research on the topics you are interested in. You will have tools to change the world faster and more efficiently. You won’t have to lose your energy on everyday ordinary people hassles.

Check this out. Maybe this is something for you as well. I love it and it literally changed my life.You can start today running your own personal blog, using all the tools that are already in place and apart from sharing information make real money.

Of course this is not for everyone but for small percentage who take their life in their hand and is not wussy.

My blog in Empower Network is focused of Personal Development.

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